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2007/12/5 15:38:41 来源:综合辅导:交流在商务活动的重要
 If you observe carefully enough, you will find the higher one's position in business, the more communicating one does. Although production workers communicate occasionally – and what they communicate may deserve attention, their supervisors spend far more time communicating, and the bosses higher up spend even more. It is estimated, according to a survey, that top level management spend from 45 to 65 percent of their working time communicating.
  As an individual planning a business career, you may obtain your initial job by virtue of technical knowledge and skills in computer science, accounting, or marketing, etc. , but the ability to speak and write English effectively may help you sustain it. As you progress up the organizational ladder, technical skills become less important, because managers spend less time in actual operating situations and are more concerned with broader aspects of the organization. General skills, including interpersonal skill, conceptual skill, diagnostic and analytic skill, determine how fast and how far you go.
  Communication is the activity that enables human being to work together. More specifically, it allows businesspeople to follow a plan of operation, to avoid duplication, to coordinate effort, to share knowledge, to report progress, and to solve problems. Communication, in a similar fashion, contributes to building up and enhancing harmonious relationship with those outside the organization. In short, business organizations can not function properly in the absence of communication.
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